
RTD Temperature Measurement Module VMEbus

The VME390 is a 24-channel RTD Measurement 6U VMEbus board that provides high-accuracy temperature measurement data for industrial automation applications to ensure both product quality and safety.

The VME390 features 24 independent channels configurable for 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire high-accuracy PT100, PT200, PT500 or PT1000 measurement channels, each with programmable alarm limits on which an interrupt can be issued.

Quad local DSPs (TMS320C203) perform linearization, auto-calibration and alarm-limit checking. Sensor-data is available in °C, °F, K and Ohms. All inputs are optically isolated from the system.

The VME390 is also available in 3U form factor and as a M-Module, PCI and CompactPCI (3U and 6U) product.

For more information about the VME390, please call us or contact us by using the contact form

  • Sigma/Delta ADC with 16-bit resolution
  • Excitation current: 1mA
  • PT100 linearization (IEC751-1983, DIN43760-1980, JIS C1604-1989)Programmable minimum/maximum value alarms
  • Auto calibration
  • No potentiometers
  • Analog front-end is optically isolated
  • Onboard DC/DC converter for isolated power supply
  • Data acquisition handled by TMS320C203 DSP, transparent for user
  • Measurement values continuously updated in dual-ported SRAM
  • Measurement range: -20°C to +85°C
  • Up to 7.5Hz output update rate