Our Partners
Over the years, we’ve partnered with numerous organisations in order to better establish our market position and expand our sector knowledge, so that we can offer the best quality products and services to our customers.

Aerovantage was founded in 2015, recognizing the need in the aerospace sector for companies to use an integrated approach of R&D, product innovation and business development in order to create long lasting business in the supply chain.

Elma Electronic
Elma Electronic is a global leader in embedded computing solutions including integrated chassis systems, board products, modular enclosures, equipment cabinets and precision hardware components in standard and custom configurations. As a global organization, they keep close to their customers and partners worldwide with sales, design and manufacturing facilities across three continents.
Reliability and long-term support with a history of deep technical expertise and precision engineering. That’s Elma.

Federation “Het Instrument” (FHI)
The Federation “Het Instrument” located in Leusden, the Netherlands, brings together the common interests of collective companies which are active in the Dutch market for industrial electronic products, systems and services.

Green Hills Software
AcQ is a partner of Green Hills Software (GHS). GHS is a vendor of embedded development solutions and has an operating system certified and deployed to EAL6+ High Robustness (security), DO-178B Level A (avionics), IEC 61508 SIL3 (industrial) and FDA Class III (medical). GHS open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military, avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer, and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. The products of GHS are a perfect match for AcQ’s products and markets.

Interface Concept
Interface Concept designs and manufactures high-performance computing embedded boards and systems aimed at industrial and Mil-Aero applications. The company provides, customizes and supports a large array of rugged COTS products, suited for harsh and mission-critical environments.

AcQ is a L.E.A.D.E.R. (Lattice Exclusive Alliance of Design Engineering Resources) design service partner of Lattice. We have committed ourselves to provide exceptional programmable logic and FPGA design expertise and assistance to Lattice customers, further reducing time-to-market. Each partner of Lattice has been carefully selected by Lattice and receives technical training in applying Lattice programmable logic solutions, including FPGA, software, and IP Cores.

AcQ is a member of the NXP Partner Program. NXP is a leader in embedded processing solutions for the automotive, consumer, industrial, and networking markets. From microcontrollers and microprocessors to sensors, analog ICs and connectivity, its technologies are fuelling the next great wave of innovation.

QNX Software systems
QNX Software Systems Limited, a subsidiary of Research In Motion Limited (RIM), is a vendor of operating systems, development tools, and professional services for connected embedded systems. QNX technology is used for vehicle infotainment units, network routers, medical devices, industrial automation systems, security and defense systems, and other mission- or life-critical applications. Founded in 1980, QNX Software Systems Limited is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada.

SYSGO provides OS products and software services for the real-time and embedded markets. A differentiating capability is the SSV (Safe and Secure Virtualization) platform PikeOS®, a para-virtualization RTOS that is built upon a small, fast, and certified microkernel. It supports the co-existence of independent OS personalities on a single platform, including ELinOS, SYSGO’s embedded Linux distribution. PikeOS® is certifiable to safety standards such as DO-178B/C, IEC 61508, EN 50128, IEC 62304 or ISO 26262, is MILS compliant, and is currently involved in security CC EAL certification projects.

Wind River
Wind River is a global leader in delivering software for intelligent connected systems. The company offers a comprehensive, edge-to-cloud software portfolio designed to address the challenges and opportunities critical infrastructure companies face when evolving and modernizing their systems as they work to realize the full potential of IoT. Wind River technology is found in more than two billion products and is backed by world-class professional services, award-winning customer support, and a broad partner ecosystem.